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Property & Financial Settlements

When a marriage or de facto relationship breaks down, it is important for the parties that their financial property is divided between them in a just and equitable fashion.


A property settlement is finalised by reaching an agreement with your spouse/former partner or by asking the Court to decide the matter.


Whether your matter is able to be resolved through negotiation or requires litigation, we can help you to achieve an outcome which reflects your entitlement, gives you financial independence from your former spouse/partner and gives you peace of mind.


Our Property Settlement Services Include: 

  • Negotiating an agreed outcome and applying for Consent Orders from the appropriate Court.

  • Assisting clients to resolve their matter through the use of Collaborative Law.

  • Organising for you and your spouse/former partner to engage in Mediation with an accredited dispute resolution practitioner.

  • Applying on your behalf to the Court for Interim and Final Orders.

  • We encourage parties to use Arbitration rather than Court proceedings

  • Negotiating Spousal Maintenance agreements and/or applying for Spousal Maintenance orders from the court.

  • Drafting the necessary evidence to support your application.

  • Having your matter litigated before the Court.

  • Engaging the necessary experts to ensure that items of financial property are accurately valued.


It is our goal to provide a property settlement service which is as simple, time-efficient and inexpensive as possible.

Rita Thakur & Associates

(02) 4229 4988

©2022 by Rita Thakur & Associates Pty Ltd. 

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.”

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